Lean Six Sigma and the profitable process improvement in businesses go hand in hand especially where the main objective is to ramp up on productivity. The harsh economic downturn made it more important to look for methods to do more tasks with little resources. This is where the proven Lean Six Sigma concepts made their entry into the corporate platform. The model was quickly assimilated into various departments including accounting and other professional segments.
The most used of the six fundamental Lean Six Sigma concepts that have been resourceful is the manufacturing sector. Lean denotes the importance of executing task but with minimal resources while the Six Sigma model incorporates the principles of troubleshooting to increase profit. This involves upgrading service and product quality and avoiding operational discrepancies. The two form the best combination that enhances efficient, excellent and streamlined results.
With many businesses, there is a tendency to go for short term gratification in terms of productivity. Managers are always looking for the smalltime adjustments that will bring quick success within the firm’s processes. It is normal to ignore the long-term process adjustments since they take time to mature and show results. With process improvement and the Lean Six Sigma reinforcement, it is easy to devise processes that will allow the firm to priorities long term projects.
Clients versus Processes?
Clients in a company are superficially unaware of the process within the company. The question here leans towards the reason why a firm should invest heavily in recording and analyzing process data. However, it is through streamlining the standards, documenting and reporting that the firm is able to keep standards consistently. The three steps thus lead to improved results which is actually the biggest worry on a client’s point of view. It is foolhardy to detach clients from processes and results in any venture.
Tunnel visualization
Every staff member has a specific role cut out for him/her. The tendency to allow routine dictate individual attitudes can be a disaster when planning process improvement. Managers need to think outside the box if the environment within the firm shows such tendencies. The need to reinforce completeness and efficacy can only be supported by proper documentation.
Process improvement procedure
While documenting a process, the first step should be identifying a common grouping of activities that support each other to give the best quality to clients. From here, you will need to document the process at hand and analyze it fully to understand the dynamics involved. If you have devised a new process format, consider raising awareness on what needs to be done. Finally, implement the basics of the new process as the standard way of executing tasks within the company. If the process improvement is well organized and supported by Lean Six Sigma ideals, the company should experience a complete turnaround in operations and productivity. If you have to hire a process improvement guru, it will be handy until the new process is well adapted by your workforce. Further, you can subscribe to the concept with the Thomas Pyzdek website. Contact us and learn more.